Stories in Hand Day 1

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I registered on for Stories in Hand.

I have not really been able to get my mind around what it is about. But as far as I can see it is like keeping a journal regarding the past, present and future. It is about gathering information.

I downloaded SIH Project Day 1: Cover and Tabs. Jessica Sprague gave us the cover of the album (6x6) as well as the different Tabbed Dividers - there are 3 main dividers (Roots, Family and Self) and some Sub-Tabs for the Family section (Spouse and Child). Since we do not have human children just as yet I decided that I will still print the Child Tabs, but the stories will just be about our baby - Zorro the cat!

The Stories in Hand system have been divided into three sections, hence the three main dividers we had to print.
1. Roots - this is the sections that is about my grandparents, parents and my childhood.
2. Family - this section deals with dating, marriage, children and grandchildren. There are 2 sub-sections. The first sub-section will contain stories about you and your spouse, the secons section will contain a section for stories about each of the children (and in my case, my cat).
3. Self - this section has prompts about myself as I am today - hobbies, habits, influences, etc.

I am so excited about this SIH Project. It will be the very first time I am doing something like this. Unfortunately, I will not be able to it as we receive the information and downloads, since things are just WAY to hectic at the moment. I will however try and keep the blog up to date about what I am suppose to do. But in my own time I will make the Stories in Hand Booklet.

Some quotes used in the SIH Project:
  • In all of us there is a hunger, marrow-deep, to know who we are and where we have come from - Alex Haley (Roots Tab)
  • We are one big family of people, trying to make our way through the unfolding puzzle of life - Sara Paddison (Family Tab)
  • My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way - Ernest Hemmingway (Self Tab)
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